Saturday, April 18, 2015

Questions to Ask in a Job Interview (and What Not to Ask)

It's your turn! As the interview comes to a close, one of the final questions you may be asked is "What can I answer for you?" Your interviewer will expect for you to have some inquiries - failing to ask any questions at this moment could make you seem unprepared or unengaged.

Make a List of Questions

Plan ahead and have interview questions of your own ready to ask. You aren't simply trying to get this job - you are also are also interviewing the employer to assess whether this company and the position are a good fit for you. Asking questions is a good way to dig into the company culture and the specific day-to-day responsibilities of the position, so that your first week in the position won't be accompanied by any major surprises. 

Quick List 

If you're rushing to get ready for an interview, review this list of the top 10 questions to ask an employer and jot down the ones you are most interested in getting answers for.

More Interview Questions to Ask the Employer 

Here's a list of suggested questions to ask the interviewer so you can ensure the company is a good match for your qualifications and interests.

  • How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?
  • How would you describe a typical week/day in this position?
  • Is this a new position? If not, what did the previous employee go on to do?
  • What is the company's management style?
  • Who does this position report to? If I am offered the position, can I meet him/her?
  • How many people work in this office/department?
  • How much travel is expected?
  • Is relocation a possibility?
  • What is the typical work week? Is overtime expected?
  • What are the prospects for growth and advancement?
  • How does one advance in the company?
  • Are there any examples?
  • What do you like about working here?
  • What don't you like about working here and what would you change?
  • Would you like a list of references?
  • If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?
  • What can I tell you about my qualifications?
  • When can I expect to hear from you?
  • Are there any other questions I can answer for you?
  • Do you have any reservations about my qualifications?

Interview Questions NOT to Ask

There are some questions that you should avoid asking, since they won't present you in a positive light.

  • What does this company do? (Do your research ahead of time!)
  • If I get the job when can I take time off for vacation? (Wait until you get the offer to mention prior commitments)
  • Can I change my schedule if I get the job? (If you need to figure out the logistics of getting to work don't mention it now...)
  • Did I get the job? (Don't be impatient. They'll let you know.)


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