Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to Keep Track of Your Job Hunt

When sending out resumes, the last thing you want is to apply for a job at a company you've already sent a resume to for another job role. Such an action, if noticed by the company, demonstrates that you are blindly firing resumes out to every position you see, decreasing your desirability as a potential new employee.

This may not be the absolute truth, but it's still something you'll want to avoid in order to be taken seriously by employers.

These days with the current rough job market, the average job applicant may send out fifty-plus applications before securing a position. Avoid embarrassing faux-pas by making sure you document your applications in a way that makes sense to you.

This could be a written or typed list, but you can also find many applications, including online and personal software, that will take care of this for you.

Here are the top 5 best ways to keep track of your job search:

1. Keep an EXCEL Spreadsheet Log

This is the simplest way to document your job hunt. The unique flexibility of EXCEL allows you to record all the data from each job application that you may want to save.

For example:

  • Company name
  • Job title applied for
  • Company URL
  • Company address
  • Company phone
  • Recruiter/ HR Manager contact details
  • Source of job
  • Progress of application
  • Call log

2. Use Job Templates in Microsoft Office 

If you have a copy of Microsoft Office, the application includes some downloadable job templates, which include a job search log in MS EXCEL.

You can also get a job application tracker in OneNote.

3. Create a Custom Job Application Template

Check out BrandKit’s Job Search Tracker. This template works in conjunction with Google Drive. Simply click on “use this template” while logged in to your Google account... and, done!

 4. Sign Up for an Online Record Tracker

Here are some good ones:

JibberJobber - you can both apply for new jobs, and track your existing applications through this interface.
ApplyMate - document both school, university and job applications. You can also set reminders and sync this site with your online calenders.
StartWire - boasting a connection with over 11,000 companies, StartWire can send you updates from the companies you apply to, increasing your chances of success.

5. Use Tools Built Into Job Search Sites

Applying for a job via a job site can open up the possibility of managing your applications online. Web websites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and Climber have the very handy ability to let you track all the jobs you've applied for via their website.

The only negative aspect to choosing this route is that these sites aren't linked, so you'll have to manage multiple accounts and login (and.... it's spreadsheet time again). It is also possible that the same job may be posted on every site, so you could unknowingly apply for the same job twice.

Just use a little common sense and read job applications carefully, and you'll be on your way to a well-documented job hunt in no time.


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