Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Interview Question: How Do You View Yourself?

How Do View Yourself? Who Would You Compare Yourself To?

In order to assess your strengths and weaknesses during an interview, an employer might ask you to describe yourself. This type of question can take various forms, from "How do you view yourself?" to "Who would you compare yourself to?"

Best Answers:

The best way to answer is to share some of your strengths, particularly those that match the qualifications for the job.

In addition to discussing strengths that are central to the job, you should also include some other interesting personal qualities that are not particularly relevant, but will provide an authentic feel to your presentation.  For example, for a job in advertising, you might mention how you view yourself as a creative type of person and then also mention that you are a risk taker who enjoys skydiving or bungee jumping.

Follow Up Questions:

Be ready for follow up questions, such as a request for you to cite examples of whatever qualities that you mention. Be prepared to reference situations where you applied that strength and the impact which you had. Another line of follow up questioning might be to ask about your weaknesses if you have supplied a totally positive view of yourself. The best way to answer is to mention a weakness that won't directly hinder the outcome of the interview. For example, mention one that is not central to the job, could be construed as a strength or one that you've worked on to the point that it is no longer actually a weakness.

Comparing Yourself to Other People:

Some employers might ask you to compare yourself to someone else in order to determine more clearly how you view yourself. Generally, you should take a modest approach and avoid comparing yourself to iconic figures in business, politics or the entertainment world. A better tact can be to mention a personally inspiring individual such as an older sibling, parent, teacher or mentor. The key will be to point out some positive, common quality that makes you similar.  For example, you might say "I'm a lot like my Dad; he instilled in me a keen curiosity about scientific phenomenon." In answering this question, the key is to arrive at an answer that presents you in a positive light, but is at the same time humble and authentic.


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